A saga continua
É verdade meus caros. Enquanto o mundo parece que se vai desfazer em água cá por terras lusas, aqui a Kiss me vai passar uma semaninha a Cabo Verde. Com sol, praia, mar, piscina, sumos, calor... enfim, com tudo a que tenho direito. 'Tá certo que vou com os papás, experiência que já não tenho há mais de seis anos, visto que sou filha única e é a maior seca do mundo viajar com os meus pais, que aterram ao sol mal chegam e só se levantam quando é para voltar, mas desta vez mal posso esperar. Deve ser da idade que me começa a pesar, porque tudo o que eu mais quero é estender-me ao sol com o meu ipod e um livrinho e DESCANSAR!!!

O que custa é mesmo a saga das malas. Mas como eu este ano também já fui a Itália já estou a ficar perita. E roupinhas de Verão ocupam sempre menos espaço, pelo que dá para levar o dobro ;) É chato é ter que ouvir o meu pai "tantas malas?!? Mas vocês (eu e a minha mãe) vão para lá quanto tempo?!?!". Claro que eu a ele não lhe posso responder "oh pai, e se me aparece lá um jeitosão de um hóspede, ou até de um dos professores de ténis ou de bodyboard do hotel, tenho que estar sempre impecável" mas tento sempre argumentar que já que tenho as roupinhas, porque não usá-las nos trópicos...
Bem meus amigos, é isso. Portem-se bem esta semana, apanhem muita chuva, ups, quer dizer, muito sol, divirtam-se que eu vou tentar fazer o mesmo.
E até ao próximo sábado!
59 comentários:
Diverte-te ;)Depois envia um email a contar tudo!!!
Diverte-te!!! Traz contigo muitas histórias para contar... e muitas fotos!!! :)
PÁRA TUDO! "deve ser da idade..." ???????????
tá louca! lol
vá, beijos, have fun por mim ;)
kiss (pra ti e pro moreno :P)
(não consegues enfiar um moreno na tua mala, assim como quem não quer a coisa, e trazê-lo para mim?)
És uma rapariga de sorte,mas quero te desejar uma boa viagem e que te divirtas muito e também tenhas algum descanso.
so uma unica palavra
Ai ai ai ai aiii...
Isto é ké ter sorte na vida...filhinhos de papá é o k eu digo...e ainda por cima filha única!! Aproveite e parabens pelo blog...tá razoavel:p
Tive 14...nem sei como!! Aufwiedersehen
Xiiiiii grande sonsaaaaaaaa!
Já há resorts em Cabo Verde?Quando fui há uns anos (tipo 12) não havia!Que sorteeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Once you have picked up and have a grasp over pliggly
the subject, you can keep doing more and more research to understand the ground realities of people in different environments and come out with solutions to address health issues.
Most place wouldn't take you Brasilem5 initially for your lack of content. There should be at least 10 posts before most Blogging Sites accept you. But we don't have time for that.
This is a huge step in your life. Getting married is bound to set off a lot of feelings. That's normal within a certain range. Lip Liner Tips
Make sure you are healthy enough and fit to go on a weight loss program.
It would be a good idea to print this article out and bring it with you when you go, just in case your doctor is not familiar with it.
Lipovarin contains a variety of active ingredients which are listed below:
-Citrus auranium (bitter orange)
-Green tea leaf extract
-Metabromine fruit extract (chocolate or plain cocoa)
-Serotain (which contains 5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP)
-Taurine (a type of amino acid)
-7-Keto (7-keto-dehydroepiandrosterone acetate)
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Pull angel food cake into 2-inch chunks. Layer the cake chunks on the bottom of a 9-inch or 10-inch tube pan. With a large knife, spread a layer of the softened ice cream over the cake chunks. Add another layer of cake on top of the ice cream. Keep repeating the layers until you've used up all the cake and ice cream.
Prache Cream
Because we are surrounded by fast food restaurants and processed meals, it can be a challenge to avoid carb-rich foods, but proper planning can help.
Plan menus and snacks at least a week ahead of time, so you aren't caught with only high carb meal choices. Research keto recipes online; there are quite a few good ones to choose from. Immerse yourself in the keto lifestyle, find your favorite recipes, and stick with them.
There are a few items that are staples of a keto diet. Be sure to have these items on hand:
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• Forskolin is a homegrown extract from Coleus forskohlii, a plant fitting in with the mint family. there has been a randomized, placebo-controlled double- blind trial of this weight loss supplement including 30 men and the study continued for 12 weeks. The subjects on this supplement indicated ideal changes in the body and "showed favorable changes in body composition" including significant decreases in body fat. The mechanism of fat reduction? Forskolin raises levels of cAMP in the body, which can raise levels of enzyme associated with fat burning.
KetoVit Forskolin
An alternative to commercially sold conditioners is egg yolk. It has great moisturizing properties. Use egg white if your hair is oily.
Rinse your hair and let it dry. Wrap your hair using a towel and don't rub. Put down the blow dryer, too. Hair experts say that Taylor Swift is right when she prefers air drying over blow drying. Daily blow drying can seriously damage the strands of your hair resulting to thinning and breakage.
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The muscle you have is not there forever. If you don't feed it and don't use it - you lose it. A proper plan with right combination of resistance and cardiovascular training with adequate progression and a right nutrition plan to support it can help you achieve this. Exercise only boosts the burning process but doesn't just melt the fat away on its own - if you do not create
Amayze Life Keto
Although you can probably find hoodia at health food stores near you, the best place to shop is online, where you'll probably find a free trial to get you started. Once you've determined that hoodia works for you, then you can continue using it every month until the fat is gone and your new body is there to stay.
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When you know what you need to do to look good, it is far easier to make that happen. FairyMines
Not just fats give a feeling of completion, eating a sufficient sound fat called omega-3 unsaturated fats may bring about your digestion system to smolder fat all the more productively. On the off chance that your weight stays steady, you are most likely taking in similar measure of calories you smolder every day.
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At a glance you can see the difference in fitness principles that apply to achieve the shape they are in. Family of Thakurganj full movie download
We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II". In review, you learned how to exercise regularly in order to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase III of your healthy
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Also keep a positive outlook and set incremental goals that are achievable. Stay motivated, set smart goals, and follow the advice in this piece, and you will be on your way to reaching your goals. Maintaining a healthy weight loss can be as much of a struggle as losing weight in the first place.
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I know I have been. If you want to save some money, learn how to cook or simply to get a hold of one of your favorite restaurant recipes, you won't regret it. Trendy Mumi
breasts in men is called gynecomastia. Here liposuction alone may be satisfactory, however this is not typical. Most men with both sagging and large breasts go through a two-staged procedure. The first stage is liposuction and is performed to remove excess fat and some
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Therefore when a diet plan or some other fat reduction program claims to have the ability to help you lose as much as 10-30 pounds of body weight within a questionable period of time, say 1 week, you now have an idea of what you are up against. You simply can't burn fat that easily, instead you will be losing your body water.
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Loss of muscle also leads to loss of tone underneath the skin leaving you soft and unshapely with no form or contour. If you lose weight too rapidly, your skin won't have time to adjust either. Also muscle is what gives you strength and loss of it means a weak body.
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Actually, the natural course of weight loss is to experience a quick loss of weight resulting from the loss of water from body tissues which is then subsequently followed by a significant slowdown in fat loss as the body now switches to burning its fat stores to meet it energy
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Actually, the natural course of weight loss is to experience a quick loss of weight resulting from the loss of water from body tissues which is then subsequently followed by a significant slowdown in fat loss as the body now switches to burning its fat stores to meet it energy
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herbs, promote body water loss through the kidneys. Apart from these diet programs leading to body water loss which easily shows up on the bathroom, the dieter risks getting dehydrated.
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Most women will tell you it doesn't matter and that they enjoy lovemaking whether you use the male enhancement products or not, but think about it, what would you say to her if the roles were reversed? Would you tell her she was over weight or needed breast implants? No, but would you want to? Same goes for her. There is nothing wrong with wanting to find the best male enhancement products to help you become larger, harder and longer lasting.
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steamed vegetable or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates into your body, and will allow you to burn off absorbed carbohydrates before they can be stored as fat. By following these diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss will become a quick weight loss as well. Plus, you will have the energy to
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Another possible cause of penile size issues in men is the so called 'feminization' of a man, where a man has above normal levels of female hormones (as low levels of these are expected), especially a 'borderline situation' where the higher levels of female hormones
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Most men prefer the natural alternative, as it's affordable, convenient, obtainable and more importantly does not have the side effects of a prescription drug. Hence more and more men prefer enhancers that use natural ingredients for boosting low testosterone levels.
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When trying to lose weight, choosing the right weight loss program can be confusing and even frustrating for most people. Of course, everyone is different and every weight loss program is unique. Choosing the right one for you is a personal choice that only comes from careful research of the many programs and diets available in the marketplace.
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When trying to lose weight, choosing the right weight loss program can be confusing and even frustrating for most people. Of course, everyone is different and every weight loss program is unique. Choosing the right one for you is a personal choice that only comes from careful research of the many programs and diets available in the marketplace.
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Therefore, since fat contains only about 10-40% water, when the body moves into the fat burning phase of a weight loss program, the bathroom scale tends to be much slower than when glycogen was being burnt for energy at the beginning of the diet.
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Even if you falter and veer off your weight loss track, it's OK. If you are able to quickly get back on track you will overtime, reap the benefits of dramatic weight loss and improved health.
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What is Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Sagittatum)? Horny Goat Weedis a hardy perennial reported to have aphrodisiac qualities. This affect was allegedly discovered by a Chinese goat herder who noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed. Used to restore sexual
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You will be amazed at the results that adjusting your fitness plan and diet can have when striving for a healthier lifestyle. Even minor changes in your diet and fitness plan \USA Fitness Plan
You will find various kinds of penile enhancement items available for sale. Natural penile/male enhancement products are far better to use in comparison with the others available. Furthermore, they don't have any unwanted effects too. While beginning to utilize a penile enhancement product, make certain the method is medically licensed.
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Take these five factors and use them to weed through the vast wilderness of weight loss programs available to you. Find a program where you are the targeted participant, one that you can realistically participate in and sustain from start to finish. If you do these things I firmly believe you will be successful in your effort to lose weight and look and feel great.
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That appears to also be backed by the millions of sexually satisfied male enhancement customers. But more importantly, if you try a male enhancement product and find yourself to be that 1 out of 10 men that the product does not work for, most makers offer a 30 day money back guarantee that states that you simply return the unused product and they will refund your money.
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life provides. For instance, if you are a single mother with two small children at home you probably are not going to stick to a ninety day program where you have to eat brussel sprout and cabbage soup at each meal while exercising sixty minutes two times each day. It's just
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and a detachable platinum star tree topper. The star is detachable so it can be worn as a pendant. Just when you thought a 5 pound chunk of solid gold couldn't look any better, they topped it with 4.52 carats of bling, and that's just the one diamond in the platinum star!
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never even attempt the first training program yielding a result of exactly nothing. The best weight loss program you can invest in is one you will participate in, be challenged by and finish. I can name at least a hundred weight loss programs off the top of my head that have produced amazing results for their participants. Conversely, I can assure you that every one
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Fat loss is attempting to lower your total body fat - i.e. the percentage of your total body weight that is made up of fat.
The right approach for fat loss is to exercise smartly and eat intelligently in a way that
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If you are looking for natural male enhancement pills that work as an alternative to a prescription drug such as Viagra®, Cialis®, or Levitra®, be sure to check out the many natural male enhancement products and pills on the market. No matter what Erectile Dysfunction or Male Impotence treatment you choose, prescription drugs or a natural male enhancement
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Finally, there are natural solutions for male enhancement and they are found in most of these natural supplements. Unlike drugs that apart from the fact have hazardous side effects, are very expensive, require doctor visits, a full prescription, require clinical supervision, these male supplements are different and unique.
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POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice - Packed with cancer fighting anti-oxidants, and was rated as the top source of anti-oxidants of all beverages on the market.
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Because of the exaggerated claims, many men feel inferior and opt for male enhancement and they go on to check out too many male enhancement items and methods. Among all of the males who choose penile enhancement methods, most of them might really not require it. They're going for penile enhancement just to satisfy their curiosity.
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Therefore when a diet plan or some other fat reduction program claims to have the ability to help you lose as much as 10-30 pounds of body weight within a questionable period of time, say 1 week, you now have an idea of what you are up against. You simply can't burn fat that easily, instead you will be losing your body water.
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I was at a dance event recently where I offered people free shoe advice. I heard lots of foot related complaints. I also noticed a lot of similarities in the shoe habits of men and women who had "foot problems". They were squeezing their feet into tiny little shoes. "My big toe joint
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Let's face it, it is no secret that women take longer to climax then men and the main reason for this is that the actual location of that "secret spot" usually lies somewhere deeper than most men can reach without a little help. This is the reason for the various different positions, many which have been created specifically to help satisfy your female lover.
and delivery of the supplements by absorption through the skin. This change in supplement delivery method doesn't necessarily indicate a change in the actual ingredient formula. A well known example of a medication patch is the nicotine patch used to stop smoking. The
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Is weight loss hypnosis the best weight loss program for you? Maybe the following article will help you decide whether weight loss hypnosis is the best natural weight loss method available for you to attain healthy weight loss, fast weight loss, and to lose weight easily and permanently.
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